I thought this gba-game is...

Final fantasy tactics advance

I thought this game is... So so
score : ★★★☆☆ 

Boring turn RPG
Turn order progress speed is slow
Every character evasion count is too high, therefore, every battle is unnecessarily long

There is a limitation about skill and jobs in early stage

It make us tedious

The tutorial sucks

The law system puts a ban certain skill
it is hard to know law system (until start-key and click L key, R key... many clicking)
The law system is uncomfortable, and the Judge is 

Pokemon games (emerald, gold, black version... include user-hacked games)

I thought this game was... Not Perfect but No.1 gba game ( other games are too awful
score : ★★★☆ 

There is skill limit.
You must learn certain skills. If you do not want learn skills, you will be stuck.

fighting Zigzagoon, Zigzagoon, Zigzagoon and Zigzagoon
same enemysame enemy, same enemy,... boring

This game is interesting getting to know 
new pokemons, evolution, elemental properties... etc.

NPCs are very bright and happy

It is nice to choose and growth my pokemon 

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